Rating : 3 1/2 stars
Recently lot of our LIBA hostel people got bitten by acid flies. The garbage surrounding the hostel is the reason behind this acid flies. As a part of JOG the "Base for the circle that is uniform throughout the circle" had cleaned the garbage surrounding the hostel. All the disposable and non disposable waste were seperated and an external agency named "Exonora" had come and collected all the non - disposable wastes. Disposable wastes were burned which is not very environment friendly but they are looking for an alternatives to dispose the waste other than burning which is a good thing. There were many hostel buddies but very few chose to be part of this cleaning process. What is "in association with" when not even one of the representative being in any of the activity. "Circle" come on people I have seen your logo in all the events but I dont see any one participating in any of the activity. The mail by the "Hero turned comedian" of our batch to the groups appreciating the circle for their support in "Onam celebration" which was a total exaggeration. You and I know how much you people were part of it. It would be better if you guys concentrate on the work which you guys do[You always do a good job] and not to poke your nose into every event that happens. I am sure you guys are drawing enough attention even otherwise.[;)].