Pandora's box Have u read this post?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Vital week + Christmas + Resolutions

And Pandoras Box is back online.. out of hibernation.. alive and kickin!! A lot of life changing things have happened in LIBA between my last post and this post!
The Vital week
How can this post not start with the most important news! The Placement week was a roaring success this year! For one week, the campus was like a 42km Marathon track and people were seen running in all possible directions through the day. From shouting to dancing to hugging to crying; the 'hub' saw it all. And hats off to the Vital Committee for pulling off the most challenging week at LIBA. Special mention to Biron and team and all the Juniors who worked for it! Here is thanking you on behalf of all the Seniors. All the efforts and hard work were clearly visible in every passing second during the week. Amidst all this there is one person who never comes to limelight yet is the backbone of and silently drives the entire team - Prof. Susan Thomas. One word to sum it all - Thank you! :)
Congratulations to all those who got their dream jobs. And to those still waiting for one, better things are definitely up in store for you. All the best! :)
The Christmas Celebrations
The year 2010 ended with a thunder bolt and a big bang of happiness. It was the time of celebrations and giving. Like every year, LIBA had the awesomest Christmas celebrations on campus on 17th Dec. And like every year, LIBAites celebrated Christmas along with small kids with music and skits. The kids had a fab time when the 21st Century visiting Santa a.k.a. Kiran Paul entered along with residing Santa of LIBA, Davis! Indeed an evening to remember.
Campus Radar
The Circle is rolling like never before this time. Its Chrysalis - The management fest of LIBA! And everyone has joined hands to make it bigger than ever before. The theme this time is Chrysalis itself which means change or transformation. Knowingly or unknowingly, the butterfly seems to be becoming the mascot of Chrysalis. The "Poem" girl and team are putting in tremendous efforts for the February event. All the best.
IPO - LIBA's official band has been shortlisted to perform for Saarang 2011 for the event named 'Powerchords'. Congrats to the band members and all the best! Way to go :)
The Seniors have started planning for a batch trip in the last term. After a series of intense talks on who should take the initiative by other batch mates, the HR girl took a step forward to start and carry on the discussions. The "flame" boy who headed the last batch trip has also decided to pitch in for all the help needed. This might as well be the last batch trip so let us make it memorable.
New year resolutions of LIBA

Firstly, wishing you all a very happy and "prosperous" new year! Hope all of you had super amazing holidays. God bless all of us with loads of onions :P
Like every good citizen and human being, I have compiled a list of new year resolutions that we LIBAites would love to make (and break) ;)
  1. We will attend all the 8am lectures
  2. We shall sleep at night and stay awake during lectures and not otherwise
  3. We will remember that we have breaks to go to canteen and avoid running during lectures
  4. No shouting and screaming "Annaaaaa kaafeee" in canteen. We are all MBA's with etiquettes
  5. Say no to copy paste for at least one assignment
  6. Try to 'fall sick' less frequently
  7. During lectures, we will remember that prof is in front of us and not in our cell phones :P
  8. We will give more importance to 'course and learning' than professors while selecting an elective
  9. We will celebrate all the festivals without 'email fighting'
  10. Say no to booze in LIBA hostel :)
  11. We will play less counter strike and instead use that time for studying
  12. We will not smuggle any food in the hostel
  13. Start studying at least 2 days before the exam. 2 is always better than 1!
  14. Become a responsible internet user and stop downloading
  15. We will spend more time off facebook than on it :P
  16. We will attend all the guest lectures
  17. We will make optimum use of the front rows during the guest lectures
  18. Revive all the clubs and committees on the campus. They are dying to get a second life :P
  19. We will not use library just for AC. There is a whole book world inside. Explore it!
  20. We will not break any resolutions**
  21. We will not gossip! ;)
** T&C apply!

You may add any resolutions that I might have missed as comments ;)
Happy last term to the Seniors and Happy last term as Juniors to the Juniors! Have a great 2011! Ciao!


  1. hahaha .. not much time on FB and prolly more time on Pandora's Box? :P

  2. we will quitely eat all that peter anna serves us in his canteen :) and not pick on the ants and cockroaches found in the food :P

  3. aahh.. i missed out on these!! RIP for those ants and cockroaches :)
