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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Twilight New moon review and beyond+ 21st Great day for Next to D cell leader

Rating:3 1/2


Today is Sofia Saxena's(1st Year) B'day. Wish her :)

21st December 2009 will be a big day for "Next to D cell" head. He is presenting a paper in IIT,Chennai. He is the only student who is going to present his paper!!. Wondering why? Others are professors. Great isn't it. :) I wish him all the very best to come home with a medal.

Twilight New moon review and beyond:

Yesterday I watched this movie Twilight New moon. I hated the ending as much as I enjoyed the whole movie. But I should say don't miss it. Its worth watching. :)

Having already seen Twilight, I was keen to watch this movie. Reason behind me hating the ending is not because it wasn't great but I enjoyed the Jacob's(Lead role in this movie) character so much that I didn't want him to lose. What an unconditional love? Its absurd that Edward(Hero) the vampire ditches Bella(Heroine) for some stupid reason and then saying its for her good. Even though the director couldn't show the exact emotion of Bella(As described as pain in the book) when she loses Edward, Jacob,the werewolf clouds it with his abundance of love and care. When compared with Jacob's act even Edward who is willing to sacrifice his life assuming that Bella is dead, seems like not a great deed.

As this twilight series by Stephenie Meyer was so interesting and knowing that Eclipse and Breaking dawn, which are the 3rd and 4th part of the book had already been released, with no time I got the summary of those. I was curious to know more about Jacob, but was saddened by the fact that Jacob continued to get only pain in-return for his love irrespective of whatever he did. Viewing him as a friend, he will be a dream friend that any girl would imagine. When Bella says to Jacob that "I have greater love for Edward than you" she didn't know how much pain it can cause Jacob. Even though it was a fictional story the author has brought in so many wonderful emotions related to real life into it. Whaa...!

Is truth ugly?

Like some say weirdness and ambiguity can never be separated form clarity and perfectness.

Some define quality is the most important. Class is what stands. Crab! If this is true then how "No reel corner" also called as "Kutties" gets more business than the original "Kutties". Its only because of its location. The original kutties is just located few yards away but people from Loyola got used to "No reel Corner". Original Kutties serve far better "Bread omlette",Juice & milk when compared with NRC but footfalls are less. So my point is situation decides who is the winner at times(This is a important word here. Without this my whole argument will be flawed) rather than quality ,class and whatever it is!!

Small fact:

"No reel Corner" or "Reel Corner" Recently one of our LIBA family member was cheated by the NRC shop guy(Not the restaurant guy). He gave him Rs.100 and the shop keeper said he gave only Rs.50. He didn't wanna fight there so he came and told me. So people remember be careful about even small things like this.